【媒体与大选文献回顾/Mustafa Kamal Anuar】This article is an attempt to unpack the so-called ‘Pak Lah package’ of BN’s election campaign in the run-up to Malaysia’s eleventh general election in 2004. Much of the electoral campaign of the incumbent party revolved around the persona of the Prime Minister, which stands in stark contrast to Abdullah’s predecessor.Continue Reading

“It looks as if it was with hindsight that the Sedition Act came to be drafted. If intention requires no more mens rea than an intention to publish the words which were published; if it is not necessary to prove actual intention because seditious words are words which are ‘expressive of a seditious intention’ as defined in the section, then the gravamen or an essential ingredient of sedition is not mens rea (intention) but an actus reus (Latin for guilty act). That is, the words must have a tendency (a seditious tendency) to achieve one or more of the objects specified.Continue Reading

Kajian ini menggunakan kerangka teori Antonio Gramsci tentang hegemoni untuk mengkaji andaian bahawa media merupakan salah satu institusi sosial yang penting dalam pengurusan krisis dan pengekalan hegemoni golongan berkuasa. Untuk ujian empirikal, kajian ini meneliti bagaimana akhbar-akhbar arus perdana di Malaysi memainkan peranan masing-masing dalam penentuan agenda pembentukan hegemoni Barisan Nasional semasa krisis kewangan 1997 di Malaysia.Continue Reading