【黄国富】在目前社会氛围下,人们更需要媒体扮演好资讯“中介”角色,强化监督正当性不足的政府,提供确实与优质的新闻内容,以及再加強与社会和公众沟通的功能,以重建媒体的信任度,这可能是新闻媒体寻找转型的一条出路。 Continue Reading
【黄国富】在目前社会氛围下,人们更需要媒体扮演好资讯“中介”角色,强化监督正当性不足的政府,提供确实与优质的新闻内容,以及再加強与社会和公众沟通的功能,以重建媒体的信任度,这可能是新闻媒体寻找转型的一条出路。 Continue Reading
【庄迪澎】仰望外国大报的成果,有梦相随,固然很好,但是各种客观条件如资本、市场、国民收入、读者付费意愿,乃至媒体自身的内容产制能力和品质都大不同。路子方向相同,路况大相径庭,路人未必能求仁得仁。这正是报社苦闷之处,转型是非走不可的路,却犹如在急流泛舟,只能顺势应变,可到了瀑布端奔流直下时,那一叶轻舟会失控覆舟,抑或顺利穿越,恐怕无人说得准。Continue Reading
【庄迪澎】国阵/巫统自2018年下野后,首要媒体集团和马来前锋报集团都在2019年易手,如今的国盟政府首相慕尤丁来自土著团结党,出手“拯救”首要媒体,原因不外乎首要媒体的单一最大股东大亨赛莫达(Syed Mokhtar Burkhary)是他的“哥们”。此事再次反映了马来西亚媒体政治之现实:首要媒体始终都只能是执政党的囊中物,从国阵/巫统,到希盟/土团党,再到国盟/土团党,均是如此。未来倘若巫统重新成为主要执政党,首要媒体的此一处境也不会改变。Continue Reading
【刘欣彦】本论文借助Youna Kim(2011)一篇〈Diasporic nationalism and the media: Asian women on the move〉的研究中对离散国族主义(diasporic nationalism)的讨论,将在台马来西亚留学生视为一个离散群体,进一步探讨该群体在台湾这个异国环境中求学时期的社群媒体使用。包含他们如何在脸书上分享母国(马来西亚)的景观或讯息,这个过程是如何形塑在台马来西亚留学生对母国(马来西亚)的认同以及离散国族主义的生成。Continue Reading
This report presents key findings from the monitoring of news media coverage of the 14th General Election in 2018 – from the dissolution of Parliament on 7 April 2018 until 12 May 2018, three days after the elections on 9 May 2018. It was conducted by the Centre for the Study of Communications and Culture under the School of Media, Languages and Cultures at the University of Nottingham Malaysia. The monitoring, with the help of 50 volunteers, covered a total of 24 outlets from the state and private media. The content was selected from the home/national pages/segments and coded to assess the coverage of 20 categories of information that are explained in detail later.Continue Reading
[Yap Pao Sium] This research uses the analytical framework from Italian social theorist Antonio Gramsci’s notion of civil society to understand the potential of new media in expanding the NCR land advocacy in Sarawak. Gramsci sees civil society as an arena of struggles between ruling and ruled classes to achieve hegemony, referring to cultural domination by shaping consent. Continue Reading
[CIJ] As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads and more public spaces begin closing their doors, the question of protecting our freedom of expression and speech arises. It is clear that we must continue civil discourses and defend our ability to share and access information. We must also carry on tracking and monitoring developments that threaten to limit our free speech or infringe on our rights to express ourselves, share information, challenge, think, create and explore ideas.Continue Reading
The newly minted government should strive to construct a new media environment which would bemore reasonable and healthier for all. A new media environment which improves the rights of communication is indeed long overdue. People should be allowed to collectively create, amend and change our shared culture in a society which embraces free flow of information. It is definitely a tough and challenging task to reform and rebuild the media environment in our country. Meanwhile, it also requires anactive participation and support from the public.Continue Reading
在传播场域部分,如何建构一个更合理与健康的媒体环境,提升人民的传播权,让人们在资讯自由流通的过程中,共同创造、修正,且改变我们赖以维系的共享文化,是新政府应该要努力的方向。重整与改造我国的媒体环境,是个艰钜的任务和挑战,也需要民间力量的投入与支持。Continue Reading
【黄国富】心系培育传播人的林景汉,在晚年时仍不断寻找韩新永续经营的可能性。2016年至2017年间,韩新管理层曾讨论了高校“公共化”与“社会企业”等观念与可行性,认为或可将私人所拥有的韩新产权,转由非营利组织以社会企业方式经营,让韩新成为社会共同的资产,持续为社会培育人才。……但因环境限制与条件不足,最终未能完成韩新的公共化。Continue Reading
【黄国富】在政治转型过程中,重点是如何让媒体管治的结果有利于公众,而非特定的政治权贵和财团,以促进言论自由与资讯流通。要突破这样的结构困境并不容易,因个別媒体集团内部掌握权力者多仍在位且延续过往权力,内部的改革力量很难撼动其固有的权力机制,这需结合来自外在力量对结构的冲撞,才可能松动原有机制与组织文化。Continue Reading
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