
英文:Internal Security Act 1960  ‖  下载PDF  ‖
马来文:Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri 1960  ‖  下载PDF档  ‖


《内部安全法令>最令人诟病的条款是允许内政部长发出“防范性扣留”的(preventive detention)扣留令,扣留他认为会危害国家安全人【第8(1)条款】。“防范性扣留”不必经由法院审讯,而且虽然第8条款规定扣留令“不超过两年”,但是内政部长可以根据相同或不同的理由延长扣留令【第8(7)条款】;而且内政部长延长扣留令的次数无限,这也意味着被扣留者究竟可被扣留多久,是由部长决定。

a. 如果没有警长以上警官授权,不可扣留超过24小时。
b. 除非获助理警监以上警官授权,否则不可扣留超过48小时。
c. 除非副警监以上警官已向总警长报告逮捕及扣留之情况,否则不可扣留超过一个月。

被扣留者可以向咨询部(Advisory Board)陈情上诉,后者必须在接到陈情书的三个月内,考虑被扣留者的陈情,并且向国家元首提呈建议【第12(1)】。国家元首可以根据咨询部的建议向内政部长发出指示,而国家元首的决定是最后的决定,法院亦无权推翻【第12(2)条款】。



1. 煽动暴力。
3. 预计或可能导致破坏和平或制造不同族群之间或阶级之间的敌意。
4. 危害国家利益、公共秩序或马来西亚之安全。







S. 29 (3): In this section “subversive document” means any document having in part or in whole a tendency –

to excite organised violence against persons or property in Malaysia;

to support, propagate or advocate any act prejudicial to the security of Malaysia or the maintenance or restoration of public order therein or inciting to violence therein or counselling disobedience to the law thereof or to any lawful order therein; or

to invite, request or demand support for or on account of any collection, subscription, contribution or donation, whether in money or in kind, for the direct or indirect benefit or use of persons who intend to act or are about to act, or have acted, in a manner prejudicial to the security of Malaysia or to the maintenance of public order therein, or who incite to violence therein or counsel disobedience to the law thereof or any lawful order therein.

S. 30: Powers of search and seizure of documents.

Any police officer not below the rank of Inspector may, without warrant and with or without assistance –

enter and search any premises; or

stop and search any vehicle, vessel, train, aircraft or individual, whether in a public place or not,

if he suspects that any document, publication, material or article being evidence of the commission of an offence against this Chapter is likely to be found in that vehicle, vessel, train, aircraft or on that individual, and may seize any document, publication, material or article so found.

S 31: Disposal of subversive documents, etc.

(1) Where proceedings are taken in respect of any offence against this Chapter the court by or before which the alleged offender is traied shall, on the request of any police officer not below the rank of Assistant Superintendent, on the final determination of those proceedings order that any document, publication, material or article being an exhibit in the proceedings be delivered to the officer for dispoosal under section 30 (2).