Packaging the PM: The art and ideology of political advertising

Packaging the PM: The art and ideology of political advertising

[Mustafa Kamal Anuar] This article is an attempt to unpack the so-called ‘Pak Lah package’ of BN’s election campaign in the run-up to Malaysia’s eleventh general election in 2004. Much of the electoral campaign of the incumbent party revolved around the persona of the Prime Minister, which stands in stark contrast to Abdullah’s predecessor.   下载Pdf档全文

Anuar, M. K. (2010). Packaging the PM: The art and ideology of political advertising. In Yeoh, Seng Guan (Eds.), Media, culture and society in Malaysia (pp. 46-63). London: Routledge.

Dr Mustafa Kamal Anuar is a Associate Professor at the School of Communication, Universiti Sains Malaysia.