Packaging the PM: The art and ideology of political advertising
[Mustafa Kamal Anuar] This article is an attempt to unpack the so-called ‘Pak Lah package’ of BN’s election campaign in the run-up to Malaysia’s eleventh general election in 2004. Much of the electoral campaign of the incumbent party revolved around the persona of the Prime Minister, which stands in stark contrast to Abdullah’s predecessor. ‖ 下载Pdf档全文 ‖
Anuar, M. K. (2010). Packaging the PM: The art and ideology of political advertising. In Yeoh, Seng Guan (Eds.), Media, culture and society in Malaysia (pp. 46-63). London: Routledge.
Dr Mustafa Kamal Anuar is a Associate Professor at the School of Communication, Universiti Sains Malaysia.