【黄国富】十九世纪中期新加坡的“现代化”开始萌芽,且有越来越多“中国人”在这个港市寓居与移动,其市场潜力为商业嗅觉敏锐的西方人察觉,把各种新技术与新产品带到新加坡,并以此为其中一个基地,向逐渐纳入西方资本主义体制的亚洲区域进军与扩散影响力,使得原本存在此区域很长时间的朝贡体系逐渐被取代,也转化出交溷的社会与文化特质,让西方现代性展现出在此地的效果。新加坡的现代性效果是在各种力量相互抗衡、协商与接合下展现,也形成殖民性、本土性与现代性的交溷、协商与辩证,创造出此地的特点,甚至连动影响亚洲部分地区,譬如华人跨域参与中国本土革命与国家建构,展现複杂的远距民族主义,特别是在报纸这项新媒介所形成的场域,各种力量在此相互竞争与抗衡,其塑造的媒体环境让许多华人能以逃脱它的影响。Continue Reading

【媒体与大选文献回顾/Kim-Hui Lim, Wai-Mun Har】This study analyzes the rhetorical strategy of using the emotion of fear as a political tool in the 11th Malaysia General Election campaign. The three-prong objectives of this study are to analyze the main themes and issues used to address this tactic of fear, the general perceptions that non-Moslems in Malaysia have of the concept of Islamic state as a symbol of fear and rhetorical strategies used to provoke this fear. The findings concluded that the National Front party (Barisan National, BN) used the fear factor effectively in its campaign. This situation is further enhanced by the strong control of BN over the Malaysian media in addition to the character of Chinese voters who generally prefer not to leave their current comfort zone and are afraid of an Islamic state.Continue Reading

【媒体与大选文献回顾/Wong Kok Keong】The research examined three areas – news report, opinions (editorials, comments, columns) and letters to the editors – to determine how many items were focused or positive on the National Front (NF) and the Alternative Front (AF); negative on the NF and AF; balanced towards both; and non-party related (NPR). It examined the coverage of The New Straits Times, The Star and The Sun from 12 to 29 November 1999.Continue Reading

【媒体与大选文献回顾/傅向红】统计结果显示七家报社的一致给予执政党更多曝光机会,不同语文源流的报纸偏颇指数有差异,但同语文源流报社的偏颇指数却非常接近。七家报社一致让执政党有更多曝光机会,或许可以视为马来西亚高压政治结构和诸多限制言论自由之法令的产物,但是不同报社之间的偏颇指数有高低之别,似乎只能从个别报社科层制之松散严密程度及其专业能力来解释,这点有赖未来更多的把关人研究提供详尽有力的解释。Continue Reading

【媒体与大选文献回顾/Wong Kok Keong】 The main aim is to show how or to what extent the mainstream media were unfair and unbalanced. Points or arguments could be better made with data or evidence systematically gathered. Anecdotal evidence gleaned here and there might be telling but does not reliably yield an overall pattern or picture of a situation. The purpose of this study is to help provide stronger evidence for making arguments and, in turn, raise the level of discourse into a more rational, objective one.Continue Reading

【媒体与大选文献回顾/Mustafa Kamal Anuar】This article is an attempt to unpack the so-called ‘Pak Lah package’ of BN’s election campaign in the run-up to Malaysia’s eleventh general election in 2004. Much of the electoral campaign of the incumbent party revolved around the persona of the Prime Minister, which stands in stark contrast to Abdullah’s predecessor.Continue Reading

【庄迪澎】本文勾勒马新的资讯与传播科技政策、网络媒体的演变与差异、规管传统媒体的手段、网络新闻业的沿革与政府的回应,并指出新国的互联网使用虽然更为普及,资讯与传播科技政策更为全面,但是其政治控制也更为严厉,以致其网络新闻业不比马国发达。最后尝试就两国网络媒体景观何以差异提出初步解释,以及提出可深入研究之相关议题。Continue Reading

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本文批判分析“正义至上”和“文化中国”都含有“虚构”与“巧合”的成分,却因历史的偶然因素而“建构”成俨然为真的印象。同时,它们也充满矛盾与张力。尽管如此,“正义至上”与“文化中国”的行销手段造就了一个垄断的报业集团,与此同时又发挥维系国阵种族政治文化霸权的作用。Continue Reading

《意》剧在台湾创下高收视率,并且在马来西亚AEC频道及其他华人地区的媒体管道中播映,也得到相当程度的反应。本研究核心乃针对《意》剧中所形塑的各种主观的台湾金钱观念、传统家庭及当代政治议题之三项价值观叙事,从马来西亚华人阅听众收看《意》剧与否,探讨是否对於台湾既有印象有所差异。Continue Reading

新加坡自独立后,和马来西亚一直维持脣齿相依的关系,但却在关乎两国国家立场和利益的双边课题上争论不休,总是在同一课题谈判多年却无法达成协议,两国都坚持自己的国家原则。本研究以兴建马新大桥事件为例,尝试以近三年的当地中文报《星洲日报》和《联合早报》有关此双边课题的新闻为样本,用内容分析法检视两报如何报道及框架同一双边课题。研究结果发现两份报章都扮演传达国家政策、立场和原则的角色,达到引导民意,巩固政府立场的目的。同时,报章也抱着和国家立场相同的价值观,来维护国家利益。Continue Reading